
Basic QuickJS Recipe

This guide demonstrates a simple usage of the QuickJS JavaScript engine in C programming language.


  • QuickJS Library
  • C Programming Environment (like GCC)


  1. Conversion to C String

    You can get the string representation of a JSValue using JS_ToCString(). This function takes the JS context and the JS value as its arguments.

    const char *c_str = JS_ToCString(ctx, val);
  2. Strict Equality Check

    QuickJS provides the function js_strict_eq() for checking the strict equality (===) of two JS values.

    Here is an example that checks if new_target is strictly equal to the global String object.

    int is_equal = js_strict_eq(
     JS_GetPropertyValue(ctx, ctx->global_obj, JS_NewString(ctx, "String"))