Get Started

Get Started

Follow the instructions below to start contribution to OpenQuickJS.



git clone --recurse-submodules

Install Build Tools

brew install cmake ninja # macOS
sudo apt install cmake ninja-build # Ubuntu

The Windows build environment is not yet officially supported.


bash scripts/ # build quickjs qjs
bash scripts/ # run test262 tests

You can find libquickjs.a in lib folder and qjs / run-test262 in bin folder.

  1. If you're using Visual Studio Code, you can use the CMake Tools extension to build the program.
  2. If you're using CLion, you can open the project directly to build the program.

Using VSCode or CLion for regular development is recommended.


Install Debug Tools if you need.

brew install lldb # macOS
sudo apt install lldb # Ubuntu

If you're using VSCode, you can use the C/C++ and Code LLDB extension to debug.

Pass this argument to cmake enable debug log on release build.